My not so newfangled but still going strong obsession with sourdough, one of the most trustworthy staples in Les Pierres tiny kitchen, applicable enough for Ivory to begift me with shiny and expensive extensions to heretofore indispensable appliances that were supposed to last a lifetime or so I was told, but lifetimes proved prone to devaluation, almost imperceptibly resulting in made look easy but oh so complicated repairs guided by numerous well-meaning YouTube videos, not to be ever talked about again because of its endless maddening hordes but nevertheless contributing to an overall feeling of pride and accomplishment when the outcome finally landed on our antique French ironstone plates and the ones assigned to the visiting in-laws. To be repeated with tonight’s tortillas and tomorrow’s …
I off the cuff predict my unuttered adherence of trying to relate Les Pierres beauty to its taste will forever reiterate itself.