When two giants occupy a tiny cottage with eye-catching pink shutters, surrounded by vivacious founts of enchantment, there’s bound to be some enthralling stories behind.
On this digital reflection of our French lives I write about the bewildered wonders that befell us when we chose to embrace a less demanding yet more challenging lifestyle, mainly by downsizing and keeping our choices and their ensued options as rudimentary as possible, swapping various rat-races for an everyday poetry that harks back to our past as much as to an optimistic future.
Were I to be a tree this is where my roots would be

When two giants occupy a tiny cottage with eye-catching pink shutters, surrounded by vivacious founts of enchantment, there’s bound to be some enthralling stories behind.
October 2020
Logistically Inconvenient But Proven Effective
Helping dogs to better communicate with us humans
This new fabric we can share, regardless of the distance
My formal position in the whole head versus heart debate
If money can buy you similar or superior
What in this wonderful world to write about
Always applauding the efforts of the only one capable
In the eyes, heart and mind of a romantic fanatic
It dawned on me to better start laughing generously
I treasure the beneficent luxury of having my mother close
Because of its romantic derivation and the colorful similarities
True evil can be seductively beautiful
A mighty beautiful savior that is
Ruptured, not unexpected, but entirely badly timed
To prevent prospective Cain and Abel fratricide
Guiding Today’s Research Into Its Idiom
One of the ludicrous fabrications of our time
Being the symbol of truth and justice
Colorful Natural Details That Had Me Absorbed All Summer
An always indisputable truth before but befalling more imperative
Its Importance Lying Far Beyond Shared Joy
I’m not exactly grateful for the time wasted
As an answer just now starting to bloom
The exposed wealth also entails an intrinsic encouragement
Up until now all tolerable to an extend
The Prospect Of Its Cognated Gin Around Christmas Secured
Now would be the exact time of year harvest would start
The World Premiere Of A Gay Marriage Equal Under Law
The game changer it finally turned out to be
On this digital reflection of our French lives I write about the bewildered wonders that befell us when we chose to embrace a less demanding yet more challenging lifestyle, mainly by downsizing and keeping our choices and their ensued options as rudimentary as possible, swapping various rat-races for an everyday poetry that harks back to our past as much as to an optimistic future.
Attempting to make our lives sustainable is more than a personal choice and has gradually lead to a multitude of decisions we have never even thought of before.
On this website we share what works for us, or woefully no longer works, obviously without claiming the same for you.
We hope that our journey towards a supplementary comprehensive celebration of nature’s beauty might just clear a pathway forward for you too, perhaps challenges a revealing reconsideration, or simply provides for an equally indispensable diversion.
Can we change the world through food? We believe we can and we support Slow Food, a global movement of local communities and activists across more than 160 countries. Together we defend cultural and biological diversity, promote food education and the transfer of traditional knowledge and skills.
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