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Magic is the mortar

It’s no rocket science and it shouldn’t surprise anyone of you that if something has its name-origin in oral stories about a beautiful princess Mira, warm hospitality, an unexpected stranger who all of a sudden turns out to be a fairy, subsequently unsolicited but generously rewarding her host by transforming his garden into a plum paradise, I will be interested.

Besides, we will be entertaining coffee guests this morning, so I could use some magical bibelot to divert attention of the backlog that I have incurred in processing the rest of the already picked fruit, let alone the propelling harvest in the vegetable garden.

Magic is like the mortar between the stones of Les Pierres, keeping us upright when things start to get tough and leading us away from difficulties; magic makes us dream more vivid and intense. A few weeks ago Ivory started a new project that we both are very excited about and I am not going to blab out anything more about it here, other than that it involved a midnight walk the other day in the immediate vicinity of our house, when there was a full moon. It’s amazing how your perspective changes when you take out the ubiquitous presence of people and give center stage to the creatures that populate our fields and forests, just around the corner.

Magic is the mortar

We really didn’t have to actually see sorcery to feel its enchantment, whilst rationally knowing that was just a roaring deer, a sniffing wild boar, a hunting owl. At the same time we realized what a devastating piece of the world’s pie we consume during the day, that we certainly didn’t belong there and should stick to our habits of keeping the night pristine and wild. Having a peek was a wonderful wakeup call and a captivating experience nevertheless.

The tons of Mirabel plums we recently picked at a friend’s, endangering our own wellbeing by facing the omnipresent but not so magical Aoûtats, little red spiders creeping up your pants in search of preferred hotspots to bite the hell out of you, causing an seemingly permanent itching that will make you scratch for weeks, need processing and no fairy will take charge of my workload today. Oh, I love it when reality kicks in.

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