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Making Dignitary Use Of The Seductive Fabrics

Now that our darling Mec is big enough to appreciate boundaries, or so we like to fool ourselves, he’s entitled to some privacy inside our tiny house as well, read – we’d like our couch back! – so I’ve made him a sofa fit for a prince, a fun DIY project I finished only recently by making dignitary use of the seductive fabrics I acquired years ago, strolling through an always awe-inspiring Venice.

Back in the days when the sky of my abilities seemed to reach limitless, I used to own a sewing machine, but that era has well passed. When I was indisputably rejected as a productive member of modern society, the lady responsible for the final verdict given about what I would still be remunerative for completely ignored my by rheumatism diminished fine mobility and forever marked me suitable for ‘light sewing’, an honorable title I since wear, scorned but with pride.

My handiwork pleases my boy which pleases me, watching him ascend his tinselled throne more and more often. At the same time I identify with his perception of ‘more is more’, because why settle any ascertainment when one deserves all? I suppose we must have taught our boy well: in life a Trip to Jerusalem is the name of the game.

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