There’s no pressing need to test my husband, who is evermore clear as can be about what drives and moves him, but if there was any doubt to be tackled, contracting a stomach flue virus that swings well with an predisposition to migraines would surely do the trick, for he’d be doing all his and my chores and take care of the energy-guzzling puppy that never stops while trying to ignore my constant wailing, because he might have been overwhelmingly busy, but I was dying, sort of.
While I was in bed upstairs, squirming away in misery, I overheard Ivory starting the morning in good spirits, determined to get it all right, soon to loose all hope of smooth sailing through the day, because that’s the stage we’re in right now, fueled by the world’s best intentions but reduced to hopeless failures. It was rather distracting and with a malicious pleasure quite uplifting to hear them communicate in our newly formed language downstairs, convicted to each other without my boastful know-it-all advice, way more demoralizing than his own attempts, I realized too, absorbed by illness and absence.
The two distinct dogs living in Mec are total antipodes of each other, and you better hide when the biting one comes out, which is way more often than we tend to anticipate. When he’s under the cursed spell of a literally all-consuming vigor, like a bouncing ball in too small a box, all you want to do is run, but you have no choice but to engage to prevent forthcoming disasters. Trying to tire him out with fun mind games, walks and outdoor activities only gets us so far, evidently.
The other one, the sweetness that somehow likes to shows itself in any picture no matter what angle, making all complaints about his behavior scarcely credible, is just as apparent and gives rise to the hope of a successful upbringing, I suspect any parent feels.
Young Mec sure has found himself a loving home at Les Pierres.
I realized, reflecting on the situation through waves of nausea, that all of us, cats included, are quite absorbed by our own realities and interests. Being an adorable puppy is clearly not enough to grant you our attention 24/7. We have to do better. And get him to dog school asap.
Being an adorable puppy is clearly not enough
Trying to make ones life sustainable is more than a personal choice and almost automatically leads to a multitude of decisions you have never even thought of before. On this website we share what works for us, or woefully no longer works, obviously without claiming the same for you.
We hope that our journey towards a supplementary comprehensive celebration of nature’s beauty might just clear a pathway forward for you too, perhaps challenges a revealing reconsideration, or simply provides for an equally indispensable diversion.
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