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Faking a faint every now and then

Everything about yesterday’s End Of Summer Celebration, an out of the ordinary outing with Ivory to our absent friends’ pool for one last dip before the addition of winter chemicals will morph it beyond our reach, one last bottle of rosé before our appetite changes into the darker more substantial correlatives, one last dinner outside at our favorite restaurant of picturesque Gargilesse, the romantic little village where George Sand frequently took her lover Chopin to when batteries needed to be recharged, all this jollity should be called a perpendicular refutation of how I nowadays feel about the arbitrary changes in seasons. To paint the town red just because the winter blues comes rolling in seems silly and frivolous, but that might just be who we are.

In high school my friends and I used to ridicule this girl who claimed that because of the summer time clock changes her biorhythm got so disrupted that she couldn’t function for weeks, feeling dizzy nonstop, faking a faint every now and then, a recurring state of affairs twice a year, providing us with two-folded complimentary entertainment. This was obviously due to typical youthful rashness, when affirming variety in sentience still seemed far-fetched and it was always easier to mock than to comfort.

Naturally, hormones were calling our shots in those days, retroactively indicating we should have taken her condition infinitely more serious. Now that I’m the proud owner of a through aging and, I have to admit, deliberate misconduct severely scrambled endocrine system myself, I can finally value its whimsical flaws to a higher standard.

I really enjoy the richness in color, truly appreciate the abundance all around us at the moment and I don’t dread the colder confinement or monochrome skies of winter, but it’s the run-up to it that anguishes me slightly.

This year I will try to combat that drivel with freshly harvested stingy nettle seeds, amply available at and around Les Pierres to also dry as a winter supply, densely nutritious and stimulating and supposedly offering us more energy, vibrancy and a cheery mood thanks to the neurotransmitter serotonin. We’ll be silly and frivolous, but feeling good.

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