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The Highly Anticipated Completion Of Social Season

Today’s celebratory thoughts go into the highly anticipated completion of Social Season at Les Pierres, during which we were regularly and gloriously joined by charming and beloved visitors, even despite the disruptive Covid pandemic, making this a rather vicious and unkind thing to spread around, so I can only hope to be forgiven for it by those who feel addressed. A French pearl of wisdom, cherished fondly by farmers most, could add some fuel to the fire in that regard, overemphasizing the negative, recalling ‘the seven months of hell, and then winter starts’.

It’s a touchy subject, because the bygone months obviously corresponded to heaven much more than to its biblical opposite and we have really enjoyed accommodating our own feelings of hospitality while receiving the pleasurable gift of captivating company in return, so to announce this catharsis with inappropriate satisfaction unfairly resembles a dagger in the back of those who made the effort to come see us anyway, notwithstanding the risks involved.

However, the gleeful prospect of a continuous period of silence and introspection, not distracted by outside voices and opinions fiercely elevated by excessive eating and more particularly drinking, makes me dashy enough to broach it. Of all life’s complex balances I tend to struggle with, the correlation between my inner and outer world, between my need for solitude but equally indispensable social interaction, irrefragably puzzles me the most.

On one of the last hot days this year it feels pretty illogical to start longing for the onrushing scene of Ivory and me, immersed in our own worlds, staring into the infinite wood-fire. Yet it’s irrational desires like these that specify my main motivation for writing about our French life and experiences here to begin with.

My outgoing self would bake each and all of you my favorite homegrown plum tart if doable, don’t ever doubt that. It’s my inward however that forces me to settle for a close imitation of the experience by offering these words and gestures, embellished by a representation.

So, bon’ap! And thank y’all very much for helping me expand my reach without burdening my blueprint disproportionately.

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