This moment of hegemonic harmony that up until now solely lived in our minds, hearts and dutifully coughed up ideology of peaceful coexistence, means the world to me for its sublime quality of peeping through a magical looking-glass into a future less concerned and weary. We’re not out of the woods yet, with our darling Saffron still composing a somewhat chaotic symphony on this organ called fright, combining attract and repel as contemporary notes of a rumbustious and eclectic mix, unintentionally appealing to the nimrod in Mec, bred in his breed through generations, resulting in a bad image of Weimaraners being cat killers pur sang.
Closest we’ll ever come to anything remotely resembling Planned Parenthood, it’s enthralling to wrap our heads around the nature versus nurture debates, strong genetic inheritance or mostly environmental factors, psychological nativism versus being born a blank slate.
The personal romantic in me is convinced naturally that all my excellent qualities derive directly from the genes of my beloved mother herself, allowing her exquisite character to live on in mine, but that’s not a very solid nor useful argument when dealing with raising a puppy, where ones focus should be on promoting all good behavior and ignore the bad, to eventually let the latter become extinct, a method extensively promoted by all self proclaimed animal trainers online, whose nonsense suddenly seems acceptable when watched in despair.
The tabula rasa theory can be quite intimidating too, as it will make you ultimately responsible as a pet parent not just for filling in the gaps but providing the whole spectrum of behavioral consequences, in record time, I may add. A firm believer in letting love rule, even against odds, I’m not too worried, but I am very much aware that by introducing a brother that has the potential to kill them, only his build in prey drive to blame, has complicated their former princely lives considerably.
I can not be but grateful for the elegance and forgiveness with which they get around these hurdles I raise for them, but instead I tell Ivory I won’t rest until they all love each other as much as I do. Romantic foolishness, I know.
We’re not out of the woods yet
Trying to make ones life sustainable is more than a personal choice and almost automatically leads to a multitude of decisions you have never even thought of before. On this website we share what works for us, or woefully no longer works, obviously without claiming the same for you.
We hope that our journey towards a supplementary comprehensive celebration of nature’s beauty might just clear a pathway forward for you too, perhaps challenges a revealing reconsideration, or simply provides for an equally indispensable diversion.
Can we change the world through food? We believe we can and we support Slow Food, a global movement of local communities and activists across more than 160 countries. Together we defend cultural and biological diversity, promote food education and the transfer of traditional knowledge and skills.