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A proper new room with tons of prospects

Reporting about daily life at Les Pierres would not be very accurate if I fail to introduce the other chief residents: the two little brothers Saffron & Rebel. Their arrival almost a year ago was an unexpected gift that I didn’t even know we needed, but that has colred our life since then in ways only animals can.

It means a lot to me that even though they were still very small and he wasn’t overly enthusiastic about them moving in, they got to engage with the only true Lord of Les Pierres. Fos, our Golden Retriever, passed away last winter leaving a huge gaping hole in our p’tit domaine that is probably never going to be completely filled again.

To illustrate the part our pets play in our life, it’s important to know that Ivory is allergic to cats. Therefore for him to allow me to welcome the two kittens here anyway (“You can pick them up tomorrow,” he said, “When I’m on my way to Holland”) wasn’t only the sweetest gesture ever but immediately caused major logistics problems in our tiny universe. Where am I going to house them if they can’t come inside?

Him dropping this lovely bomb defied my creative abilities which gave birth to the cat cave. A fully stocked tiny shed was reorganized within the day and once the rascals had taken up residence, was quickly converted into a proper new room with tons of prospects.

I would have never seen that room arise without the urge of cat housing problems. The cat cave at Les Pierres exists because Saffron & Rebel do. That they now prefer to come inside the house for napping (they are allowed because I’s allergies fortunately seem to have disappeared) and treat the cat cave as their private dining room does not affect this in any way. It’s truly a valuable hideout, even if it’s just for me.

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4 years ago

Love this!

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