It’s a jungle out there and the lifting of most of the covid-restrictions has got us confused whether we ever want to play Tarzan in it again. We have become very used to the slow pace of living in some sort of confinement and already feel the pressure that reconnecting carries with, like deciding on travel dates for a conference abroad next year. It feels crazy and damn right wrong.
Closer to home, the requests for visits and friendly invitations keep piling up. This weekend it’s the bi-annual ‘Fête des Voisins’, a whole day of festive mingling with the neighbors in our area. It might be the perfect opportunity to ease back into the swing of things, but we feel it’s too early. Let’s not pretend the danger has passed, albeit a collective inclination. We tell each other over and over again, as an exorcising mantra: we need to stay prudent, hide a bit longer and explore alternative choices for the great wide open. We’re not going. There. Decision made.
This transformed life has become evident in our vegetable garden as well, where the peas have exploded into a starchy forest. Normally they would hardly ever even reach full maturity let alone the kitchen, with us stuffing our faces with them straight from the pods. But this is not normal, this too is corona’s interfering.
I. has been playing correspondent in a Youtube broadcast, meant to comfort viewers in these stressful times and has build up a fan base by reporting about sowing and growing our peas. This weekend is the grand finale (on Dutch national television!) so we had to restrain ourselves and save them from our gluttony.
It almost worked. Last night we decided it was us who need comforting before we succumb to impending pressure. I made us pasta. Pea pasta. It was delicious.
Explore Alternative Choices For The Great Wide Open
Trying to make ones life sustainable is more than a personal choice and almost automatically leads to a multitude of decisions you have never even thought of before. On this website we share what works for us, or woefully no longer works, obviously without claiming the same for you.
We hope that our journey towards a supplementary comprehensive celebration of nature’s beauty might just clear a pathway forward for you too, perhaps challenges a revealing reconsideration, or simply provides for an equally indispensable diversion.
Can we change the world through food? We believe we can and we support Slow Food, a global movement of local communities and activists across more than 160 countries. Together we defend cultural and biological diversity, promote food education and the transfer of traditional knowledge and skills.