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Now is the time the fear kicks in

Like a magic spell we keep telling ourselves we are now ready for summer to begin, simultaneously and consciously knowing it’s been well underway for months and has actually been wonderful compared to last year’s heat wave driven one. The run up to it last spring was invigorating but not too cold, damp but not too humid, just right actually and the heat up in July was promising and tolerable for a change. But now that we are back on a tropical schedule again, with a tiny timeframe for doing outside chores in the early morning before hiding in closed shutters’ darkness inside most of the remaining day, sighing and puffing that it’s really too hot to do anything meaningful, now is the time the fear kicks in.

What if this is it? Are we sure we got everything out of it? Did we work hard enough for our produce to last us yet another winter, providing us not only with adequate nutrition but also nourishing us with the memories of hot Summer nights? This foreboding feels completely irrational and seems aimless because in our climate it usually takes until the end of October before the cold sets in and the real harvest season has yet to start predominantly, but I guess this is nature’s way of warning us not to get too attached to living outdoors.

Disregarding the admonition, pushing aside mental images of burning fireplaces, we pretend this is only the beginning and instead of being punished for our waywardness nature rewards our delusions with dazzling scenes and colorful eruptions. We could have known this was coming, because we’ve seen it all happen before, but it’s endless versatility forces us to forget and be flabbergasted again and again.

Our Rose Of Sharon shrubs, whose flowers are only now starting to bloom, are luring us out of heat-hiding to admire their beauty as often as we can. Because of its hardiness, this is one of the few varieties of Hibiscus able to survive our winters, although it takes a long time for it to fully regain itself and commences its bloom.
Now that it has, its hot pink petals are reassuring us that this is truly High Summer and this time it’s going to last. Such a gorgeous outcry of relief! 

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