It’s only been a few days since the sweltering heat has given way to more tolerable conditions, allowing our vegetables to breathe again, not having perished when they appeared destined to do so, condemned to a deplorable perseverance in drought. The sudden return of neon sparkling green everywhere chants a positive prolongation of what we can still call summer, making the relief of nearing another finish line in garden duties almost palpable. This is the miracle of plant miracles, their ability to instantly rejuvenate, and it would be irresistibly appetizing to me if it wasn’t so cruel to harvest them, right in their moment of glorious restoration.
We like to pat ourselves on the back for having sustained the ongoing task of watering our garden, standing in when nature decides not to provide, but we are put to shame at the first sign of her change of mind. That initial rain shower after a long period of drought, infinitely faster and clearly more effective than our fumbles, cannot but contain some sort of life elixir, generously spread for all to engulf.
While we shelter from wetness in our still sweaty warm home, anxiously waiting for our turn to be refreshed, the playing field outside gets leveled again, royally releasing us from a responsibility that was weighing us down and hardly left us any time for different chores or garden activities.
Our unilateral focus on watering has punched holes in our planning, making fun of our inadequate multitasking skills. For instance I was determined to follow a continuous seeding calendar this year, but like every previous year, I had to sacrifice that resolution: taking care of seedlings here in high summer appears not to be a viable option.
With the occasional rain showers back on the schedule again, some remorse about our arrearage is reintroduced too. Such a puny feeling, falling down the same rabbit hole each year. My examining stroll through Les Pierres veggie garden this morning however, made short work of all that negativity. Harvest this season is going to be incredible again. We may have dropped a few stitches here and there, but that just means there’s room for improvement next time. What say you?
This is the miracle of plant miracles
Trying to make ones life sustainable is more than a personal choice and almost automatically leads to a multitude of decisions you have never even thought of before. On this website we share what works for us, or woefully no longer works, obviously without claiming the same for you.
We hope that our journey towards a supplementary comprehensive celebration of nature’s beauty might just clear a pathway forward for you too, perhaps challenges a revealing reconsideration, or simply provides for an equally indispensable diversion.
Can we change the world through food? We believe we can and we support Slow Food, a global movement of local communities and activists across more than 160 countries. Together we defend cultural and biological diversity, promote food education and the transfer of traditional knowledge and skills.